Friday, March 2, 2012

Castles In Air

Hey music muggers! So wed night, I woke up with a terrible stomach virus and have been in bed since. I am feeling a little better today so I decided I would hit youtube for some good drum covers, cause thats what I do when I am stuck in the house and bored to death...long story short I came across a great drum cover by a guy- Taylor H. Under his video I found the link to his band, Castles in Air based out of Redlands CA, so of course I HAD to check them out! Just as I thought, they did not let me down cause  their music is great! I loved their sound and what's better is- remember that Taylor kid I told you about? haha- he plays drums & sings background vox! Soo cool! Being a drummer myself I think thats is amazing so I am a fan! Anyways....If you want new tunes for your ipod, you can find their album on itunes! Check them out or you'll miss out! PEACE!

Thank for visiting The Music Mug....see ya at my next post!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Alpha Union (For all the spanish music listeners!)



Hey Music Muggers! Sorry I haven't been on here lately...I have been SO busy with life! haha Well today I thought I would feature the spanish worship band, Alpha Union, based out of Miami, Fl. They are a Christian rock band that I enjoy very much! The thing I like most about them is that they know how to ROCK.... in SPANISH! lol  They are a group that writes music with passion & love for the Lord and for people. They have a unique platform that allows them to take their music to many different places in the world and make a positive impact! I know some of you may not understand or like spanish music, but if you do, this is definitely a band you should check out!

Thanks for visiting The Music Mug! Have a GREAT week!