Sunday, November 20, 2011

Josh Manuel- A Drummer's Life

Hey Peeps! So this week I decided to go with something different on the blog! I know I am supposed to put up bands but, as a drummer, I also appreciate the individual musician! I constantly look on youtube for amazing drum videos (yes I am a dork)! Not to long ago I found this drummer by the name of Josh Manuel based out of Atlanta, Ga! I love his effortless drumming, his crisp sounding SJC drum kit, and impeccable timing! I really enjoy his drum videos which you can check out by clicking the link above! Also you can check out his studio- Century Studios!
Hope you enjoy Josh's talent as I did!
Well, until next time folks!

Thanks for visiting The Music Mug!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


So today I wanted to share the band Staggerford with you all! 
GREAT band based out of Lincoln, Nebraska! I really enjoy their rock/pop feel. I love it when music is soothing enough, to where you can set it on repeat on the ipod- this is def the band to do that with! haha
 I first heard of this band when I learned about the AMAZING recoding studio The Coda House-  Riley Friesen (lead singer of Staggerford) is the producer for the recording studio! Such a talented dude! Check their music out and show them some love and support!